< Back to article list – – Symphony Updates 09/11/2017

by Jake Platford

After a hectic Halloween, the Symphony team is back with a new set of updates to make your job easier.


– Added ‘links’ to the event basic details. Attach specific material URLs to your event. These links can be pulled through by our API onto your own websites to be used to share relevant event materials like podcasts, itineraries, vouchers etc.

– Improved flexibility of the ‘Import Contacts’ functionality.

– Booking form loading screen. You might have noticed in our last update that all of the booking forms on the Symphony system had a new loading page; we added this so that on events with high traffic, your delegates would not be put off by longer loading periods. We have now added a checkbox on the form setup pages to disable this feature.

– New loading popup. When your making changes to your event, you may have noticed a boring old loading animation. We’ve spruced this up a little bit and now it’s a little more modern.

New Module – Online Surveys

We listen to our customers, and we know that a big part of events is improving and adapting to your delegates wants and needs. As part of our quest to make Symphony the best and most comprehensive system, we have added a powerful Survey capability.  Surveys can be event specific or used across all your events.

Read the Symphony Surveys Help Guide link to find out more about our latest module.

Bug Fixes

– Email and Telephone fields now correctly populated when search feature is used on the Contacts page.

– Increased character limit on Survey Master Question name field.

– Improved validation on Master Question Language title field.

– Added medium and long description merge tags to the Symphony website builder.