August 2015 – 5 Top Event Management Blog Posts
Why Experiential Marketing will Boost your Brand Engagement
The convergence of social and digital media has been at the forefront of the marketing arena for many years. Now an integral marketing tool for brands of all shapes and sizes, reports suggest that social media marketing budgets will double by 2018 compared to two years ago
The Survival Guide for Long Live Event Days
Becki Cross, Event Manager Blog
Live event days are often long and gruelling in terms of early starts and late finishes, as well as being both physically and mentally demanding. So how can you make it through to the other side with a smile on your face?
Seven Conference Early Shatter points to Measure Immediately
How financially sustainable is your conference? Too often the metrics we use for our conferences are lagging indicators, inputs and outputs. We measure our P&L, attendance, sponsorship, exhibitors and attendee satisfaction. But that is not enough! We need to measure leading indicators
Event Planners – Pay Attention to These Aspects when Hiring Entertainment
Inevitably, stress is common in this industry, but it also has so many worthwhile rewards and it can also bring you plenty of opportunities. Hiring entertainment can be a struggle sometimes, but it doesn’t have to be. We’ve put together a list with things that are overlooked most of the time, so that your event planning process goes as smooth as possible.
No Rest for #Eventprofs: 8 Essential Things to Do After Your Event
An event planner’s work is not done when the last attendee has left the building. In fact, the aftermath is an important part of an event life-cycle. In this article we look at some of the critical tasks to be completed after the event is over.
Do you have any recommendations for posts we missed from last month? If so comment below!