Copy Custom Fields & Other Updates 25/01/2016
We have been working hard for Symphony users over the New Year period and we have some exciting updates for you.
New Copy Custom Field Feature
Custom fields are the fields a person will fill in when they register on an event. These fields also appear when you create a booking manually on a delegate’s behalf.
Here is an example of custom fields on a mobile-friendly booking form.
Other examples of custom fields include
- Dietary requirements
- Date of Birth
- Access requirements
- CV Upload
- Transport needed
Remember, custom fields are copied automatically when you use the copy event feature. Our new copy custom field feature means you can copy custom fields from a selection of past events.
How to copy an existing field
1) Event Setup > Custom Fields > Copy Existing Field > Select Event (this can be your current event)
Select the fields you need and click “copy”.
To edit the field, click on the name of the field. Remember you can’t edit the field once this has been used on a booking form or booking.
It’s as easy as that!
Website Speaker Merge Tags
We have made some improvements to the Symphony Micro-Site module; by adding the ability to include speaker details via merge tags. You can easily select these from the list of merge fields already available.
Allowing users to easily add speaker information between sites.
Symphony Event Analytic Tab
Recently we added analytics to the overview page of your events; we’ve moved these useful charts to their own tab to save space and loading time! Simply click the ‘Analytics’ button in the main navigation to see some of the valuable event data shown in the image below.
So that’s it for this month. If there is something you would like us to change in Symphony, please email with your suggestion.
Thanks for reading!
To find out how Symphony can help you with your events. Please call our support team on 0114 279 4990, or