Make it easy for delegates to register for your events – Part 1: Online Registration
The most convenient way for any delegate to register their attendance at an event is online. It’s fast, effective, convenient and removes any excuse a delegate may have for not making their booking including having enough time or hesitation to pick up the phone.
Successfully taking online bookings is about creating an elegant registration process and, most importantly, creating trust. Delegates become more trusting and more likely to make a booking onto your event if they are familiar with your event website and have confidence in the site’s security. It’s important to integrate your booking system with your current website to ensure that you retain the delegate’s trust when he/she enters the registration process. Make sure that, with any online registration software you use to manage online booking, you have the ability to be brand the registration page to match your website and other marketing material.
Further to the registration page branding, there is a lot more to creating an “elegant” booking process. The questions you ask the delegates at the point of registration can have a big impact on people completing a booking or abandoning the process half way through. Make sure you only ask questions that are relevant to the type of attendee they are, and from the previous answers they have given. You don’t want to have fields to provide flight details displayed if the delegate has selected “travelling by car”. Consider the possibilities of being able to display/hide fields depending of the type of attendee and previous answers provided when sourcing an online booking system.
If you would like and further information about how to let delegates register online, give me a call on 0114 279 4990.
Keep an eye out for Part 2: Taking Payments